Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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NOTE: This document is far shorter than I would like since I enjoy
coding far more than writing documentation (and there are plenty of
excellent Physics/Electronics/Science texts out there that do far
more justice to yours studies than I could in just a short document
file). But I have include information screens and am working on
increasing the amount of on-line assistance. This program will in
conjunction with a wide variety of texts. All comments welcome.
Science Factor (tm) Ver 3.72 Beta
Chempal (tm) Ver 3.4
Rotate (tm) Ver 2.0
Randlin (tm) Ver 1.0
Sfetform (tm) Ver 1.0
ALL programs written by Bruce Norman Baker
RELEASE DATE: 4/29/1992
Copyright (c) by Bruce N. Baker 1988-1992 All rights reserved.
(S) Vendor Information
I Registration Information.
II What do I get if I register ?
III SCIENCE FACTOR - General Program information.
IV SCIENCE FACTOR - Upcomming Changes.
V SCIENCE FACTOR - Summary of Menus.
VI SCIENCE FACTOR - Data Registers
VII ROTATE - General Program Information.
VIII ROTATE - QUICK HELP (real time commands).
IX ROTATE - Supplemental information about matrices.
X CHEMPAL - Information
XI RANDLIN - Screen Saver/Display/Blanker
Science Factor can only be sold by a Shareware Vendor if this
program has been registered with Science Factor Systems. You will
recieve a copy of the program with your business information in
the intro screen and a note to the effect that you support shareware.
Once registered you can distribute your copy of this software for
any price you desire. I retain all copyright privledges for the
code and your copy is for your personal use and distribution only.
This unregistered version is *NOT* to be distributed for ANY FEE.
USE: VENDOR.REG for registration purposes, Thanks.
(I) REGISTRATION INFORMATION for supporting users.
You are free to use this copy of Science Factor and it's assorted
programs for as long as you like and make as many copies as you
want to. This program has specifically been made FULLY FUNCTIONAL
and has not been crippled.
If you want the newest registered copy, personalized with your
name or schools name on it, mailed right to the location of your
choice you can use REGFORM.THX, you also get free upgrades at
SF BBS and direct shipped registered upgrades for only $5.
** Educational is important and that's why I've been working on this
project since 1988. I HOPE you enjoy this product !!!
(II) What do ***I*** get if I register ?
2) Access to all updates at Science Factor BBS, USA.
FREE registered copies if downloaded from SF BBS.
3) A $5 Upgrade Option for a direct mailed copy !
4) Software support from SCIENCE FACTOR BBS
Data: (206) 562-7083 Voice: 562-7011
5) My thanks and appreciation of your support of this product.
Thanks for considering to register this package.
1) GETTING AROUND THE MENU SYSTEM (first time users).
The basic idea is to use the arrow keys on your cursor pad
to move from one menu entry to another. The menu is set up in
a hierarchy type structure so either press "esc" to exit a menu
selection or move to the exit menu choice and press "Enter".
Some functions allow you to press the F1 key to get more
information about that particular function. Also there are
registers which can be used to transfer values from one function
to another.
2) MATH ENTRY : Floating real numbers can be entered using engineering
notation. The capital "E" or lower case "e" may be used to raise a
number to a power of 10.
ie: 2.99E8 would be the approximate speed of light.
9.11e-31 would be the approximate rest mass of an electron.
3) UNITS :Most functions want information in SI units
(ie: meters,kg,sec...) a math conversion routine is supplied
to help with conversions. Usually the fundamental unit is used
so the entry is easiest using engineering notation instead of say
.00000000343 (best written as 3.43e0-9).
4) INTEGERS : No E or decimal place will be accepted where an integer
number is expected. The field will restrict you to the size of the
integer that is maximum for that function so you don't have to worry
about entering an integer that is too big or too small.
5) ESCAPE KEY : Can be used to exit from any menu or directly from the
most entry prompts.
6) PRINTER : This program is configured for EPSON compatibles.
7) BNBPRO.CFG contains the color and monitor setup parameters. The
parameters are installed upon first running the program and can be
changed by deleting the bnbpro.cfg file or simply going in the
Utility menu and changing the colors. The type of monitor is
checked upon each running of the program.
All Science Factor EXE files use this configuration file.
8) SFPASREG.DAT: This file is simply a temporary storage location for
the passing of register variable back and forth from the various
EXE files.
9) SOLVING FOR A SPECIFIC VARIABLE: Some functions give you a menu of
possible variables you can solve for. Note, that you can only solve
for one variable at a time.
and run SCIFACT again. It will autodetect the monitor and set up
initial colors.
Dos 3.21 or above. 512 of memory (to load external programs
such as Chempal/Rotate/Sfequdis/sfetform and sparks).
Epson (or compatible) printer for register printing.
Your monitor should be able to support extended character set.
Some of the functions in Science Factor support CGA/EGA and VGA
monitors. The JFET graphic function will not display on a CGA
or Monochrome Monitor at this time this will be fixed in the
future. The display equations will work with any monitor, and
Sparks will work with CGA/EGA/VGA monitors.
This package contains many pop up info screens in selected
functions. These display information pertaining to certain
formulas and concepts. The F1 key will access these. Only
the function with a "*" sign in the menu have these.
By pressing a <RETURN> when prompted for a number instead of
entering a number you will get a prompt that asks you what
register you to get your data from and the program will place
this data into your current variable.
These are also explained more below.
If you don't have enough memory to run Rotate.exe, Chempal.exe
or Sfequdis from Science Factor, run them directly from dos
provided you have run Science Factor at least once to create
a BNBPRO.CFG file.
(IV) SCIENCE FACTOR - Upcomming changes
Below is a list of some POSSIBLE (under consideration) changes that
might occur, and who knows what else I'll think of in the meantime.
- More functions (of course).
- Add more Graphic Support and more Graphic functions.
- Polynomial Solver
- Complete INFO SCREENS for all functions.
- Improved Regi Calc (to more closely emulate an HP calculator).
- Sound.
- Printing capability for data dumping of program information.
Major Change:
- Upgrade to Conversion Utility completed. Another one may happen
to expand it a little more later on.
Chemistry Menu - Formulas dealing with chemistry.
Relativity Menu - Formulas for velocities approaching the
speed of light.
Electrostatics/Dynamics Menu - Formulas involving electricity.
Electrical Engineering - Formula's dealing with electronic
circuits, DC, AC and SEMICONDUCTORS.
Optics Menu - Formulas dealing with the study of light.
Math Menu - Vector math, matrix and quadratic calculations.
Physics Level 1 - Basic equations for physics.
Physics Level 2 - The next "level" of physics equations.
Quantum Physics - Functions related to Quantum Physics.
Conversion Utility II - Converts between units, this is
an upgraded version as of 4/25/92.
Formula/Constant List - Display equations and formulas.
Utility Menu - Change the programs colors, save, print and get
registers, shell to DOS.
Regi Calc - A built in arithmetic register manipulator.
JFET Transconductance curve - Graphs the transconductance curve
on a EGA/VGA) monitor.
CHEMPAL - Runs the chemistry program CHPAL.EXE.
ROTATE - Runs the EGA matrix rotation program.
RANDLIN - Runs Randlin, a screen saver/display/blanker.
SFEQUDIS- Display equations and formula's.
SFETFORM- Electronics Technology/Engineering Module
SFETGRAF- Electronics Technology Graphing Module.
DESCRIPTION - There are nine registers in Science Factor. They are
used to store numbers while in the middle of certain calculations.
Or just to save a number for future references. All submenus
display registers but not all the functions access them. They are
very handy for moving data to and from the conversion calculator or
Regi Calc.
Registers can be saved to disk for future reference. They are
save to a file called "Scifact.reg" and ALWAYS overwrite the
previous saved registers. This is accessed in the UTILITY menu.
In the Utility menu you have the option of retrieving a register
group. ALL 9 registers are always read or written at the same
You can INPUT a register value in a most ANY formula by pressing
"Enter" without entering any number. When prompted for a
numeric value press enter only and you will then be prompted to
enter the number of the desired register (which are displayed at
the top). The value contained in that register will
automatically be placed as input into that function variable.
Registers can be manipulated in Regi Calc and the
conversion utility for changing from on unit to another.
- Information:
Welcome to Rotational Effects. This program is designed to help
students to check and see results of matrix translations in a 3D
environment using computer assistance for visual and computational
information. This version allows only two built in objects to be
rotated, A square and a polyhedron, or a user defined object.
The polyhedron corresponds to an object in the ANTON text of
Linear Applications.
- Standard Features
* Enter your own object.
* Rotatation of Rectange or Polyheron around X,Y or Z axis.
* Dual Matrix Multiplications.
* You can change the rotation increment size.
* Real time modification of rotation.
* You can single step through the rotations.
* Scaling of object.
* You can see the numeric values of the new points - vs - old points.
* Axis display can toggle off or on.
* EGA ONLY (VGA in EGA res)
Rotational Effects QUICK HELP Assistance for commands.
Real time commands - (Free spin mode only).
Key Result
ESC Quit the rotation and returns to main menu.
X Set the 1st matrix multiplication to rotate around X axis.
Y Set the 1st matrix multiplication to rotate around Y axis.
Z Set the 1st matrix multiplication to rotate around Z axis.
Alt-X Set the 2nd matrix multiplication to rotate around X axis.
Alt-Y Set the 2nd matrix multiplication to rotate around Y axis.
Alt-Z Set the 2nd matrix multiplication to rotate around Z axis.
M Toggles between single and two matrix rotation.
D Toggles division marks off and on.
Up Up arrow makes rotation angle 1 larger.
Down Down arrow make rotation angle 1 smaller.
Left Makes rotation angle 2 larger.
Right Makes rotation angle 2 smaller.
+ Speeds it up (if possible).
- Slows it down.
A Toggles Axis display off and on.
H Toggles real-time help screen (This slows down the rotation).
This mode is selected from the main menu and is perfect for going
through the matrix translation one step at a time. Both old and
new points are displayed. This is a great way to check your
calculations of where the matrix should move to given your
specified angle of rotation.
Objects that are displayed on a video monitor can be stored
for convenience in a matrix form. The matrix containing all the
coordinates in an M3xn matrix where n is the number of points and
the 3 refers to the x,y and z axis respectively. In order to
graph these correctly the EDGES must also be stored in a matrix
or simple array. When all of the points have been plotted (x &
y, the z are ignored but included for continuity of information)
the edges are then drawn. The edges simply tell which point is
connected to which point.
This is the first type of transformation in which an object
is made larger or smaller on any axis. This can be used to make
an object appear like it's moving toward or away from you. All
three axis can be operated on at the same time. These "scaling
factors" are represented by a 3x3 matrix which multiplies the
original M matrix. The basic form to perform scaling of .5 on
the x, 1.2 on the y and 3 on the z would look like the following.
┌── ──┐
│ .5 0 0 │
T = │ 0 1.2 0 │ T M = M'
│ 0 0 3 │
└── ──┘
This is a method of moving an object to a different part of
the screen (or graph area). This can be achieved by matrix
addition or multiplication of a 3xn and 4x4 matrix, respectively
where n is the number of points. The addition method is achieved
by adding the translation vector to the original matrix in the
following manner T + M = M'. If we want to translate the matrix
2.1 in the x direction, .5 in the y direction and 1.6 in the z
direction the 3x1 matrix would look like this :
┌── ─┐ ┌─ ──┐
│ 2.1 │ Which is expanded │ 2.1 2.1 .... 2.1 │
│ .5 │ │ .5 .5 .... .5 │
│ 1.6 │ T = │ 1.6 1.6 .... 1.6 │
└── ─┘ └─ ──┘
This is added by the equation :
T + M = M'
To give the new coordinates of the object.
The multiplication matrix to perform this same operation would
look like the following :
┌── ──┐
│ 1 0 0 2.1 │
│ 0 1 0 .5 │
│ 0 0 1 1.6 │
│ 0 0 0 1 │
└── ──┘
This is a more complex transformation where we can take a
matrix and use matrix multiplication to make the "graphic" image
and rotate it around the x, y or z axis. We can combine these
moves by multiplying the transformation matrices together but the
order in which they are multiplied is critical. The three
rotation translation matrices are :
Rotate around X Rotate around Y Rotate around Z
┌── ──┐ ┌── ──┐ ┌── ──┐
│ 1 0 0 │ │ cos 0 -sin │ │ cos -sin 0 │
│ 0 cos -sin │ │ 0 1 0 │ │ sin cos 0 │
│ 0 sin cos │ │ sin 0 cos │ │ 0 0 1 │
└── ──┘ └── ──┘ └── ──┘
A simple matrix multiplication is done if we wanted to rotate the
x, y and then z axis.
Tz * Ty * Tx * M = M'
Note the order of the multiplications. This multiplication
although simple can get very time consuming if done on paper and
the object to be rotated has a lot of points. Obviously, this is
a prime case for the use of a computer. Sometimes it is faster
to break down the multiplications, when using a computer, to just
the components that will change the original matrix thus saving
calculation time to speed rotations. With the newer machines
out, unless your performing fast graphics (ie: flight simulator)
this isn't quite as important as it used to be.
- Purpose
CHEMPAL was designed to help students learn and memorize the
periodic table. This version allows going between number,name &
appreviations plus sound and a lookup table for the element. This
program also supports some very basic mouse movements.
- Basic Info
This program is very much self intuitive but I will comment that
it is not case sensitive when entering element names or
- Levels.
These simply start at the lowest elements and spread to the
higher elements at the higher user level.
- Points.
More points are given at higher levels then lower levels.
Randlin is a little screen saver/display/blanker program
that I wrote many years ago for only an EGA monitor. I decided
it would be nice to have it in Science Factor so I upgraded it
to work with CGA and VGA and added a few more functions and
put it in the program. The program was originally called
explosions, but a program with that name appeared on the shareware
market, so I changed it to Sparks, and then a program of THAT
name appeared on the market, SOOOOOO, I renamed it RANDLIN (which
stands for RANDOM LINES. Hopefully this name won't appear on BBS's
in another form as well.
If your monitor is supported it gives you options of what
display you can get or you can adjust the speed of the
display to account for speeding fast 486 computers. You
have the option of just blanking the screen as well.
RANDLIN will display graphics on some Herc Monochrome monitors
if you run HERC.COM first. A MS C requirement since it's not
built in their library. The Monochrome version is NOT very
impressive so I suggest not using it, you can always use
it's basic blanking facility.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ END OF SFPAKxx.DOC ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Enjoy !
If you have comments or questions regarding the program please contact:
Bruce N. Baker
Suite A3-323
15600 NE 8th
Bellevue, Wa. 98008
(206) 562-7083 (data)
(206) 562-7011 (voice)
Please send ANY BUG REPORTS to the above address, THANKS !!!
(use bugform)
All parts of this product are copyrighted by Bruce N. Baker and should
not in any way be reverse engineering nor modified. I would be happy to
discuss this product, and the sharing of the technology in it, with any
individual who may be interested in it.
I shall not assume any liability for use or misuse of this product and
I shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or
consequential arising from a failure of this program to operate in a manner
desired by the user.